Written By Zoey
Dec. 6, 2019, 1:14 a.m.(4/27/1012 AR)
Written By Sina
Dec. 6, 2019, 12:56 a.m.(4/27/1012 AR)
White journals are our way of honoring Vellichor's charge to us, to record our history, that we might never again lose knowledge. It is why we Scholars guard them so closely - these pages are a testimony. They are sacred. They are not intended for the purpose of writing fiction. If you want to write fiction, all well and good. You're welcome to write books specifically devoted to fiction, and you can even donate them to the Archive so they can be catalogued in the Stacks for all to read and enjoy. But, white journals are for the recording of our lives, and our history. They aren't meant to be filled with fables and imaginings. They are meant for reality. Otherwise, how will future generations know what to believe? When they are told that white journals are our sacred testimony of our past, and they read words of fiction here instead, what will they think? So, what do you write here? Not fiction. Not other people's secrets and confidences twisted up with lies. Here, we record the events of our time, so that future generations will look back, and find our knowledge waiting for them, just as we today look back, searching for knowledge of our forebears.
I've also been asked what one may do to avoid being excommunicated. While I had no part in the decision to do so, I can say that Elisha was given numerous warnings about using white journals to write fiction, particularly on matters of Faith. This was not some snap judgment, but an enforcement of the Dominus' decree should he fail to do what the Most Holy asked. That the Dominus even had to be involved here is a serious situation. That doesn't happen until all other paths are exhausted.
So, if you want to avoid being excommunicated, I'd say there are six simple rules:
1. Follow the Laws of Limerance. Keep to your Oaths. Don't embrace the Abyss.
2. Do not embrace or craft false doctrines or incite others to that same heresy.
3. Don't break the sanctity of the holy places of the Gods. Don't steal from shrines, or attack people within them.
4. If you haven't taken Godsworn vows within the eyes of the church, don't claim to be the voice of the gods.
5. Both white and black journals are sacred. Don't threaten to harm them. Period.
6. If someone repeatedly warns you against something because you will be excommunicated if you don't stop, maybe heed the warning. Especially if that person is the Dominus.
Pretty simple, as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure there are more things you could add to this list, but really, what it comes down to is each person must take responsibility for their own actions. Freedom of Choice does not mean freedom from Consequence. That's all I have to say on the matter.
Written By Lenne
Dec. 5, 2019, 11:54 p.m.(4/27/1012 AR)
The Lenne who arrived was a foolish girl.
I feel like I've very quickly become a foolish woman instead. A substantial improvement!
I made several absurd mistakes. But I'm making less, now.
I've learned more in the last month than in the last handful of years, and the path of my life grows clearer. I've gained the title of Squire, to add to my few accolades. It's a small thing, but a symbol of my dedication, in my eyes.
I've learned to kiss (And to those who, for some reason, read an unimportant girl's journals and feel compelled to send her letters, thank you for your offers to help me 'practice', but very no thank you.), and more besides. And so the part of a life beyond goals and quests and obsessions grows clearer too. I never thought that would be important. But I can't deny I feel so much less twisted into knots.
My brother actually asked me for help. Rysen. A great hero! Ha! Lenne Crovane proves useful to her family, after all!
And my sister-in-law Mikani gave me a gift. A beautiful gift. She seems to like me, though I could not say why.
Everything is dire. The world teeters. But I feel... peaceful.
Harried, but peaceful.
Written By Dianna
Dec. 5, 2019, 10 p.m.(4/27/1012 AR)
And release you, bleeding, back to life, where one must contend with the realities therein.
Such is the nature of Truth, dare one step beyond the shield of one's ignorant self-importance.
Written By Gwenna
Dec. 5, 2019, 8:31 p.m.(4/27/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Sabella
A profound statement, both given its simplicity as well as recent tidings.
Being asked, I suspect, makes people feel a though they have a say, or that their opinion might matter, or at the very least that they have a voice. I can't say with certainly that I have always asked, in my duties to House Redrain; I'd like to think that I have, but I'm not certain. It is something I will most assuredly try to do from this day forward, however.
Written By Abellus
Dec. 5, 2019, 6:39 p.m.(4/27/1012 AR)
So when I got up, I heard that Meesha had come to Arx to join us. She's just as I remember her, not that she's the sort you can forget. She knows a lot, but she can't know everything, and she -definitely- didn't know what a tiger is. So I took her on down to the Menagerie, and showed her. I reckon that's the most impressed I've seen her in a long time.
You should've seen her, Scholar, when she saw the gir-affe. When she came face to face with that beast on the observation deck, I swear she jumped a foot! Ahh, ha ha, it was pretty great.
So! What about you, Scholar? Hear anything interesting, lately?
Written By Abellus
Dec. 5, 2019, 5:58 p.m.(4/27/1012 AR)
The messenger was bringing me armor, that Brother Felix had made. Truly, he is a gifted smith, to have turned out pieces of such beauty, and so quickly. But I can tell they will be sturdy things, to protect me well when I have need of them. As I had asked him to do, he made a great axe, with its handle carved to end in the head of a wolf; and he forged the head of it from the metal called rubicund, which I could not have imagined to ever own myself. The armor is of steel, the gauntlets shaped like the heads of river dragons, the bracers adorned with the writhing shapes of their bodies, which merges into the scales and plate of the rest of the pieces. I have never owned anything so fine.
I think I remember him. He was one of those who came to teach those of us who'd bent the knee, about your ways here, and the gods. I confess it was hard to see much good in any of it, then, but he did alright by us, then. He has done me a great honor, now. He, and Lady Eshra, and Count Athaur, they...I'll do right by them.
I slept well that night, better than I have in a while. But when I woke...that's when I heard the news.
I need more water.
Written By Vanora
Dec. 5, 2019, 5:46 p.m.(4/27/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Sparte
Instead though I found myself focusing on Sparte's latest entry, and thinking that I am entirely in agreement.
Written By Abellus
Dec. 5, 2019, 5:24 p.m.(4/27/1012 AR)
My travels took me to the Menagerie, where I was told I could see all manner of animals. And so I did -- all manner of birds, delicate butterflies, creeping lizards and serpents and insects, even fishes and creatures which live in tidepools and beneath the ocean waters. I therefore saw many things which I had never seen, or at least taken notice of, but also the familiar. I confess I did not read very much about any of them, but what harm is there in that? Everyone needs a break from reading things, sometimes.
By all means, Scholar, get some water, if that will help you stop coughing. I hope you are not catching anything.
I found it relaxing. I am not alone in finding such solace, either, for I encountered a few people while I was there. One was a Whisper, who has been gifted one of our bells for her services in teaching. And I learned quite a few things, myself, while I was in her company.
Another was one of the Godsworn. Scholar, had anyone told me that I would get into a discussion of...phil-os-o-phy, with a Priestess, and -enjoy- it, to boot, I would have believed them less than if they had told me that there are giant grey beasts with huge ears and snaking appendages on their faces, whose tusked mouths can make roars and squeals. But there are, and it happened.
Likewise, I would never have thought that I would be asked to escort two ladies back to their home -- though I can't dispute that I'm useful for such -- and then shown great hospitality. But indeed I was. Their mead and their rum are real fine, indeed.
So I learned that there are striped beasts called tigers, and that there are great white bears who live in the North; what 'Messere' means; and the proper thing to do when a fancy lady holds her hand out and offers you her fingers. It is -not- grabbing them and holding them. I know better, now. I also learned that it is a very brave thing to kiss a Lycene's cheeks, though I still think it is not half so brave as to try biting mine. Not that she did. No, she was the one doing the kissing...well, you just had to be there.
I took my leave at last, with it being very late in the evening. I had thought the day could not be more eventful, but when I got home, a messenger was waiting for me.
I need some of your water, Scholar.
Written By Orathy
Dec. 5, 2019, 5:10 p.m.(4/27/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Elisha
I reckon yer storytelling, Elisha, were getting popular, aye, cause ya WERE FUCKIN GOOD AT IT!! Confused me half the time but ya got me thinking 'n ya kept me coming back to hear more of yer cock-eyed poems. I ain't even like poems. Shit.
What they did to you kid, it ain't right. Reckon I feel right ashamed I ain't able to help ya out of the muck when you were mired in it.
These bloody journals were supposed ta be fer writing our thoughts 'n feelings and putting down our dreams into them 'n shit. Recording who we be as people...
Now I be guessin there be rules to all that. I ain't sure I get it.
Writing up false stories is grounds fer being escorted out of the Compact and losin home and kin?
Yanno Elisha, ya did the common people service. We know we ain't free to write what we want in these things no more.
Written By Strozza
Dec. 5, 2019, 3:42 p.m.(4/26/1012 AR)
I am not exempt
Written By Mirari
Dec. 5, 2019, 12:41 p.m.(4/26/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Sabella
I once served a noble house directly. I loved the Lady of the house with a ferocity. I gave her my absolute loyalty. I would have killed for her. I would have died for her. I would have done all manner of things for her; great or ill.
I was used to her affection. Her consideration. Her confidence and her protection.
And then one day to Arx came a member of her house whom I had only a passing acquaintance. And then an order, impersonally delivered via paper, "You will treat them as me. You will hide nothing from them."
All secrets I had shared with my Lady were to be shared with this new person. Someone I barely knew. And in that moment I felt betrayed, I felt as if I were a tool, not a person worthy of my Lady's love and protection.
And resentment grew in my chest.
Perhaps, had she spoken with me in person. Perhaps, had she asked me to do this as a favor... Perhaps I would still be working for her.
People like to be asked.
Written By Khanne
Dec. 5, 2019, 9:28 a.m.(4/26/1012 AR)
In the current state we are in, with foreign entities watching closely, judging, with abyssal entities watching, waiting... what will they think of all this?
The optimistic minded might say something like... oh! Those foreign entities and abyssally natured things will see our growth and the great things we are capable of!
While I believe strongly in Hope and often carry the word of hope out to others... I am more skeptically minded. Careful. I believe in a great deal of planning where an issue is looked at from multiple perspectives, and multiple thoughts on solutions are given and gone over with open minds until the best path forward is chosen.
Not that my opinion matters so much in this current topic... but...
I am not sure this is the wisest of paths to take at this point in time. I worry that those who would be against the Compact will not see it as strength and growth, but an opportunity to further their own goals.
I pray I am wrong.
May the Gods and Spirits continue to bless us all as all of Arvum feels the impact of this, for good or not.
Written By Peri
Dec. 5, 2019, 9:21 a.m.(4/26/1012 AR)
Written By Juliette
Dec. 5, 2019, 7:07 a.m.(4/26/1012 AR)
Where it feels many outside voices clamor to hold them down, once and again, reliably, the Pravosi have proven themselves of cleverness, courage, and ambition. All qualities it feels the Compact as a whole should appreciate and make use of in this time when we are beset on so many sides by enemies. Should we not all strive to be more? To stand strong? To prove wrong those who would look at us and estimate only little of our worth? One hopes that as the future unfurls what is a pride and joy for me can be unironically received by my fellows in a similar spirit and similar light.
Written By Sabella
Dec. 5, 2019, 1:21 a.m.(4/25/1012 AR)
She had a seamstress, Maris, that would accompany us every year when we went to visit some of my cousins on one of our outings. She normally did not travel with us, but for this one trip every year she would and my mother would always ask her to accompany us the night before we left at dinner. It was as standard as a birthday, just before the dessert arrived, my mother would say, "Maris, be a dear and come with us to watch the children for me, hm?" And Maris would say, "Of course, Princess." It was this beautiful little exchange that I always wondered if they rehearsed. I suppose they did, just once a year!
And then one year it didn't happen. I remember being a bit surprised when dessert arrived and my mother and Maris hadn't done their exchange. But I was a girl all of nine years old and more inclined to pay attention to my pudding and the handsome steward that was delivering it then I was to anything else.
The next morning when we were getting ready to go, Maris appeared as usual with her bag in hand. She stood there for a bit while my mother chased us around and got us into the carriage. As she was helping Reese up, Maris said very calmly to my mother, "I will accompany you on your trip, Princess, even though you didn't ask me to."
I will never forget the look on my mother's face. Surprise and shock and confusion. "But Maris," she said, taking the other woman's hands, "You come with us every year! I did not think I really needed to ask you."
And Maris replied, "But people still like to be asked."
She never forgot to after that for all the years that I was in Bastion. As far as I know, every year she still does. And it's something I've tried to remember my whole life as I interact with people of varying stations about things big or small.
People like to be asked.
Written By Shard
Dec. 4, 2019, 11:05 p.m.(4/25/1012 AR)
Written By Rosalind
Dec. 4, 2019, 9:26 p.m.(4/25/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Aslaug
I like your rat!
Written By Teagan
Dec. 4, 2019, 4:52 p.m.(4/25/1012 AR)
That is a strange thing to say, perhaps. I am a lawyer. I am a diplomat. I am a woman who has set out across the Oathland countryside to work with Abandoned clans to bring them under the Blackram banner.
To me there is an ease in the work. It's like a prescribed set of steps. A recipe like a cook might work off of within the kitchens.
Stand like so.
Hold your hands like so.
Smile like so.
Speak like so.
All of it follows a specific series of steps. A reaction for every action.
It is soothing, really, in its execution.
Put me in a social engagement such as a ball, however, and I find myself out of my depth. Suddenly the press of people is too great. I become at a loss for what to do, where to go, what to day. The lack of direction may well be suffocating.
How is one so much easier than the other?
How do some thrive while others wither?
Written By Aslaug
Dec. 4, 2019, 1:33 p.m.(4/24/1012 AR)
(o o)\//,
\ / \,
`+'( ( \ )
// \ ./
'~' '~----'
Eadwacer the Mighty, Eadwacer of the Full Belly, Eadwacer of the Mange, Eadwacer the Brave and Crafty, Eadwacer the Glutton...
A more noble rat I have not seen.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.