Written By Samantha
Aug. 12, 2019, 12:49 p.m.(8/20/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Rymarr
I'm grateful for this. Because being willing to take on the opposite approach from each other means we both have grown as people. Because the choice of negotiation rather than warfare won the day, regardless of the source.
Have I mentioned how proud I am of Rymarr Deepwood? How different my life would be without him.
Written By Lilia
Aug. 12, 2019, 11:40 a.m.(8/20/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Arn
You clanked around the Tower in your armor, warhammer never further away than your little dog, growling at people about everything from the weather to their fixation on white fights, but you were the one spoiling for a fight. You thought people were humoring you, unwilling to just let them respect you. You thought your time had come and gone, that you were useless, an old relic set aside to make room for younger men.
Nothing made you happy. Every best effort was just barely good enough. Reports were too long, details not specific enough, summers were too hot, rain was too wet. Everyone disappointed you. Especially us. Tobias, Ansel, Simone, Evelyn, Dulcinea, me; we tried so many different things to win your approval, to finally feel like we were good enough, measuring up to whatever invisible standard you'd hoped we would achieve. Invisible, not impossible, but otherwise the same. I know you didn't hate us, but even now I don't know if you ever really loved any of us, or if that part of you left with Mother.
When the Grim Duke died, I thought you were furious at him for dying first; when Count Steelhart and his family were killed, I thought you were righteously angry because they had all been slaughtered. Now I think the only thing you were mad about was being the last one left, about the possibility of dying at home, in your bed, surrounded by grandchildren.
I wanted to believe you would live forever, that you were too hard to die, with steel for bones and rubicund for flesh.
Instead, you went to High Hill with no fear of death, with no prayer on your lips for more time to live. You went out to seek justice for Steelhart, grieving them in your way, with violence. And you died there, in another catastrophic loss of life that might've been worse had anyone else been leading that column.
Now you are gone, and everything is different although nothing has changed.
I hope we do not disappoint you anymore.
Written By Tyrus
Aug. 12, 2019, 11:36 a.m.(8/20/1011 AR)
I visited Genevieve's and Dominic's graves. The Queen of a year and the Beastmaster. Sister and brother. I've visited the others that returned to the Wheel, more than I expected.
It is a strange thing. To realize how much has changed. Time means little, when all you know is an island, and hope is little more than to see the day where the chains might be cast off, and to breathe as a free man once more.
There's a lesson slaves learn quickly. Hope is as much an enemy than friend. We endure till we die, hoping to be free. We do anything and everything, to keep that hope alive. To keep the memory of humanity alive. Even when we know that so long as there are chains, it can, and will, be taken away.
And that is when hope kills, far more than the masters' whip.
Written By Cristoph
Aug. 12, 2019, 9:53 a.m.(8/20/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Arn
Instead I'll write on the first time I truly saw him. Which I'm sure he'd also think was a waste of time but not everything is about *you*, Telmar.
When my older sister left to follow her destiny with the Faith of the Pantheon and my younger sister was acting out belligerently (and managed to obtain a surrogate second father out of that behavior, for which I remain mildly jealous), I was being hauled from meeting to meeting and forced to stand around at court. The clothes were miserable, itchy and hot.
It was in some council get together of the High Lord and his ducal powers that I had the opportunity to see Duke Telmar up close. He seemed gnarled and grizzled even then. I witnessed him slam his fist upon the table while making a point, his manner so alien from that of my father.
The late Duke Edmund was poised and collected always, like a statue sometimes. He had almost no reaction to these antics and it's a behavior I've attempted to emulate myself. With Duke Telmar as well as other fiery individuals.
All that's to say that as a young man I found him to be incredibly frightening. And he remained this untouchable ferocious staple of the Oathlands to me up until his death. I'm not sure we'll see another like him.
Written By Preston
Aug. 12, 2019, 9:03 a.m.(8/20/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Elloise
Written By Preston
Aug. 12, 2019, 8:59 a.m.(8/20/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Cristoph
But, on reflection, his honouring of Gloria and Gild should be celebrated. More so because of what those resources will be put into. A project which will honour the Gods, and our shared history as a people. I hope once it is revealed people will draw strength from what we endured as a people before, what we may have to endure again.
Written By Gwenna
Aug. 12, 2019, 8:55 a.m.(8/20/1011 AR)
We played a game in which every reply must be done in the form of a question. It was a touch challenging, but quite intriguing! I would not have thought a game could lead to such insightful and poignant inquiries.
The company was extraordinary and I had the great fortune to join family and friends - both old and hopefully new on the latter - for a wonderful evening.
Written By Ida
Aug. 12, 2019, 8:16 a.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Arn
I lived in the Valardin estates for a time and I came upon His Grace and Duke Arn looking over a large map. His Grace invited me over and was very enthusiastic - as he often tends to be - about something or other. It was military in nature and the Gods know that's not my strong suit. I watched Duke Arn listen and consider what His Grace was saying and there was a moment there that made him so incredibly human, in a way I think he didn't realize at the time. The protector, the leader, the guider of Radley's kin. The second he looked at me looking, I quickly turned my eyes elsewhere. I can't say the man didn't intimidate me a little bit. Maybe a lot. Still, it's a memory I'll hold as dear as him calling me a probable drunk when he ordered that warhammer.
There's more I could try to write - the man was a legend of integrity and conviction - but inspiring words about people aren't a strong suit of mine. I've already read no few recollections about the Duke's honorable qualities from others that have been put so much better than I think I could even come close to, so my memory will serve, I hope.
Written By Iseulet
Aug. 12, 2019, 5:22 a.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
I also can't help but to think there is perhaps no one better suited to these kinds of studies than Baroness Stormbreak. Her curiosity and quest for knowledge seems to be genuine. I think it would take her far and prove to be her greatest strength - if only more of the Compact had her open mind and willingness to learn. May she find the answers she seeks in Vellichor's honor and prove to be a beacon of knowledge and inspiration to us all.
Written By Mabelle
Aug. 12, 2019, 3:56 a.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Calista
Written By Elloise
Aug. 12, 2019, 2:20 a.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
Written By Vincenzo
Aug. 12, 2019, 2:03 a.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
with tempestuous desire,
yearning as it moved
from one dawn
to the next twilight.
But trying in vain,
it bent low
to the horizon, where dreams
meet reality and there,
as pilgrim lips did
fleetingly touch in farewell,
the moon blushed and
hid her silvery mystery
behind the dark gown of
evening clouds as her
diamonds of stars glittered
with hope.
You'd think the world was one big plate of dreariness and despair. But if people were a little braver, they might just find a few words of inspiration from their dreams Jayus gives, and commit their courage to ink and paper so that generations in the future they can read, smile and ponder how we were able to survive.
Be brave and share an original verse to the world.
Written By Willow
Aug. 12, 2019, 1:09 a.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Elloise
My Lady:
Once there was a pass in the Crimson Peaks which spent decades haunted by the guerilla tactics of a certain band of Shavs. Eventually during a particularly hard winter, their War Chief opted to bend the knee to the late Duke Neddim, in exchange for keeping his position and his family their lands, that they would cease attacking patrols through the area for food for their children.
My Uncle, the late Duke, agreed and even offered to wed in one of his neices (me), and the place become a proper March. Even though the man was old enough to be my father, I grew to love his wildness and his bravery and the kindness of his heart that he would sacrifice everything in order to see the youngest generation of his family safe and fed.
And then a week before we were to be married, his brother killed him in front of me. Arrow through the throat. It was a coup, you see. He believed, as you do, that it was their wildness and not their honor which made them special, gave them purpose. And was willing to kill his own brother to keep him from leading their people down a road he believed would lead to their corruption.
I would tell you their name but all but the children were killed, and their family no more. They are now like so many secrets and tales, lost to the inexorable march of time.
While some Shavs have noble hearts, and yours may be in the right place, your generalizations do no justice to Shavs, Prodigals, or the nobility. Life is complex and sometimes terrible, just like the hearts of men, wild or otherwise.
Written By Elisha
Aug. 12, 2019, 12:18 a.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
a thousand thousand embers
shine like the stars of Nefer'khat.
The flames reduce our bodies to ash
and sanctifies the ash,
and makes us holy.
What's rotten in us burns first.
You, a shadow, departed, a glowing hearth, a spiked gloaming.
You know that a blade that lodges in a human skull
turns the skull into a lit temple.
With our eyes empty and Goddess-filled,
we become both the wheel
and the body it breaks.
You opened vault of thorns before your time and
outraged the culprit by reciting the names
of your victims aloud
when you woke into another dream
you bled green sap from the forests
that smother the mountaintops
above the horizon of trees.
Written By Bree
Aug. 11, 2019, 11:12 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Saro
Written By Orrin
Aug. 11, 2019, 10:58 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Hickson
Written By Apollo
Aug. 11, 2019, 10:55 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
Written By Elgana
Aug. 11, 2019, 10:37 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
Written By Torian
Aug. 11, 2019, 10:35 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
Written By Thesarin
Aug. 11, 2019, 10:13 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Elloise
Not so many rules about it, be sure. But Civilized folk can give more offense without worry they'll be opened nave to chops.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.