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Written By Octavia

Aug. 11, 2019, 10:07 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)

I'm more than relieved to have Zoey and Catalana back in the city. I'm going to need your skills in the months ahead.

Written By Arik

Aug. 11, 2019, 10 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Acantha

A fine protege, it bears repeating. It also bears mentioning that should you believe yourself an influencer of fashion and find winters to be cold... You should write Baroness Acantha Clearlake. She has wonderful furs to clothe you in, you just have to convince everyone else how wonderful they are too.

Written By Arik

Aug. 11, 2019, 9:52 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arn

Duke Arn Telmar was a stalwart defender of the Oathlands and an uncompromising figure of his generation. Very few Nobles, Knights, or even Orthodoxy believers told the truth as brutally and with flair as the Duke of Telmarch. If I ever reach his age I can only hope that my own habit of being stubborn turns into a virtue rather than a vice. I hope to see his little dog chasing people to go faster through the gauntlet at his memorial.

Written By Josephine

Aug. 11, 2019, 9:46 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)

A busy week, with little time for much of anything other than sitting in the forge. But to see the things fly forth from the cases and leave, singing on the necks, fingers and fingers of those who have come in, knowing that the pieces are happy. Well. Another busy week for me is coming. I wonder if I'll see the sun this week.

Written By Edward

Aug. 11, 2019, 9:07 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)

Startled two birds in a bush with some bees. They flew off like I caught them doing something

Written By Shard

Aug. 11, 2019, 8:58 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Elloise

Okay, you're just trying to irritate prodigals at this point. I get it. Though it's always amazing when Compact-born nobility try to lecture prodigals about their own history and peoples. Particularly when they don't even bother to make a single distinction between the prodigals themselves, let alone the tribes they're supposedly admiring.

Written By Calista

Aug. 11, 2019, 8:50 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)

I am exhausted. While we were successful with our goal, it came at a cost. My soul aches and I fear I am forever changed.

Written By Shard

Aug. 11, 2019, 8:47 p.m.(8/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bliss

I disagree about as strongly as I can with the idea that the Compact somehow owns civilization on Arvum. That said, no, I don't think it would have been possible without the Compact either; or, at least, some form of humanity banding together in order to fight our real enemies.

I didn't think you, specifically, believed we did it alone, but it felt like something publicly worth emphasizing anyway.

Written By Aella

Aug. 11, 2019, 8:16 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Elloise

I was not upset at the obvious differences found between Prodigal houses, as we all have different roots where our paths have started and our lives have begun. You can say that about every house of the Compact, whether it has been hundreds of years since they have bent the knee or ten. To say that House Thrax weathers the same storms as House Redrain, or hose Velenosa, would be doing a disservice to what makes the Compact whole: the strengths and weaknesses of each.

I was not angry that we were viewed by you at a higher standard because of our differences, to say that would be seeing part of the picture. It is a bad observation if you go into an experiment with an already biased judgement and you are clearly tainted in your findings.

Respect. Respect our differences, whether that is my people or another's. Do not treat us as test subjects to be watched from afar, but approach us. Speak to us. Ask us question and embrace our traditions and what we hold dear even if you do not always agree with the things we do. It is not for you to agree with, it is for you to absorb and accept as our ways of life. And do not take it for granted that you have been given access.

Each Prodigal has a story, each person has reentered the Compact when they did for a reason. It does not mean that we are any less civilized or that we have forgotten ourselves. It means that we have thought about what was best for us, what was best for our people, and what was best for the Compact.

At any point you wish to have dinner with me, I offer you an open invitation. We can eat on the deck of my ship and I will teach you which fish you can enjoy raw without dying from parasites.

Written By Kenna

Aug. 11, 2019, 8:01 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

Sometimes I wonder if my husband is quite... sane. I'm not sure he isn't, but also, I'm not quite sure he is. He heard I was going on a scouting journey and so he sent me a pair of dainty heels. I haven't any idea why he would feel that I should have heels for this. They are quite pretty, but not at all fitting for what I intend to do.

On a different note, Sally has been running away for the last few weeks. I hope she hasn't decided that living in a cave is not her style. I do miss her when she isn't around, but I can't begrudge her if she would prefer to go back to the wild.

Written By Norwood

Aug. 11, 2019, 7:58 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

I never fought by Duke Arn's side. By all accounts he was a unique man, given to little speech, and at that, rough speech.

Prince Caius and I were compatriots when the Slaver attacked the Lodge. He was stalwart and knew when to act and when to pull back in the face of overwhelming force. I only wish that he had not spent his luck with us, but would be home now.

Written By Reigna

Aug. 11, 2019, 7:43 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Elloise

You are being ridiculous, not stubborn. Deliberately obtuse, perhaps. What you are most *definitely* doing, is bringing shame upon your parents, your tutors and your House of birth for raising a child so willfully heretical. There is no such thing as being 'over civilized' and to claim so is heresy. Tread careful, and remember your Faith. One would think that the Baron might wish to pipe up and reassure the world that your stances do not impact the stability, lawfulness and care of Whitefrost.

From one scholar to another - you should not be afraid to posit a thesis. But you should most definitely pay attention when you are told repeatedly that you are not on the correct track. Sometimes belief in oneself leads to hubris, not discovery.

Written By Gaspar

Aug. 11, 2019, 5:06 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

It's a wonderful thing, to know that you have family in Arx waiting your arrival. And it's an even more wonderful thing to find your family in Arx and get to know them.

I'm a blessed man with so many caring people around me, full of talent and capabilities.

Written By Corban

Aug. 11, 2019, 4:43 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arn

How the Telmarch got its name is not widely known, I do not think.

It was the Recknoning and the First Knight, Valar's first general, rode to the North. There, at the Castle of the Northern March, he was approached by an old priest who came forward to speak for thousands of refugees from the northern regions.

"They say we have been abandoned," the priest said. That the path to Arx was closed, that the enemy was closing in, and that all would be left to die, and that none were coming to save them.

Valar's general looked around the great red wall on which he stood and took stock of things. He had made an oath. To defend the innocent. He had his company of knights with him. He knew that he would not survive the coming battle, but the refugees might. And he spoke.

"No. You are not abandoned. No one in the Northern Marches have been abandoned while we are here. Tell all the villages of the Northern Marches to gather here. Tell them that this march will hold. Tell them that we will gather here, and we will fight, and that no one is abandoned, and should make for the safety of this castle. Tell the march to fear no enemy. Tell the march."

Those words became my family name and its motto. Telmar: Fear no enemy.

Duke Arn lived those words until the end.

May Death welcome him, even if he will never laugh for Her jokes.

Written By Esoka

Aug. 11, 2019, 4:43 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

There are many stories about the fate of Lord Aramis Fournier. I will tell the truth as I saw it. He was captured, after many losses taken at the hands of his foul minions, and taken to a waystation of the Knights of Solace along the Great Road. It was the intention of the Templars there to hold him until he could be taken somewhere more secure face trial and public punishment - likely execution - for his evil deeds. But that did not come to pass. Instead, I saw with my own eyes him crossing the threshold of that holy place, and bursting into flames.

The conduct of Sir Preston and Lady Jael Laurent with the enemy captives has been nothing but honorable and any who think otherwise can take it up with me.

As for Aramis, I will not claim to mourn him, but I am sorrowful that his black acts were not punished in a way that honored the Sentinel, before all the righteous of the Compact. As it is, I pray they die with him.

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 11, 2019, 4:15 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Audric

I miss your efficiency.

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 11, 2019, 4:09 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arn

An incredibly complex man, despite the desire to present otherwise. It is a true pity that he's dead already.

We didn't really get along, but I respected his ability to remain consistent. He held some strange dislike for me surrounding events that I was barely old enough to truly remember. Whenever we would encounter one another at some gathering or in public, he was particularly fond of recounting all the soldiers of Ostria and Southport that he and his slew, despite my best efforts to be cordial toward him.

Of the many comments that were passed along to me, made by the good Duke of the Telmarch, a couple stand out. The first was immensely amusing, given the origins of his rule. Something about my being a lap dog. We can smell our own kind, I suppose. The other was the time that he described my unerringly darling aunt, Lady Eirene, as a hag. He was always one to provide a good laugh. Good ol' Arn.

While I will not miss him but plan to have a drink tonight with him in mind? I do hope that his death was swift and brutal, for the sake of his personal honor and glory.

I do find myself wondering if they'll bury his dog with him.

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 11, 2019, 3:34 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

Welcome back to Arx.

You should feel the muscles in my left arm.

Written By Reigna

Aug. 11, 2019, 3:22 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

I owe Gild some prayers for her guidance and lessons. I may not be a warrior of steel and blade, and I do not carry the authority of the Faith behind me, but through numbers and tallies, columns of goods and the flow of coins, I feel that the efforts of myself, Lord Alessandro Greenmarch and Master Apollo were able to make a difference in reminding Marcel Beaucage that Greenwither was not an island.

Written By Tescelina

Aug. 11, 2019, 3:03 p.m.(8/18/1011 AR)

Sweet Tithonia. Goodnight, my dear. How your last flutters were so beautiful and desperate.

I knew this day would come. You brought yourself to me, lying upon my book as I read by the fire.

A delightful jar was prepared with some very lovely ribbon and you shall slumber in the resin upon the mantle.

Thank you for being my friend.

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