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Written By Niklas

Sept. 21, 2018, 8:57 a.m.(8/21/1009 AR)

I won a singing contest last night.

I am pretty sure I took home the win by having the shortest song.

Anyway, the prize was a bunch of rubicund, so I guess I'll have someone fashion this into a very nice trophy for me to go on the case in the hall.

Written By Corban

Sept. 21, 2018, 8:44 a.m.(8/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Delilah

I am overjoyed that Delilah Whitehawk has taken up the mantle of a voice for the Scholars.

Vellichor's commandment -- for the most studious amongst us to take sacred vow to forever guard the knowledge of the world, and allow all among us from the greatest to the least to chronicle their lives in journals so their knowledge may never be lost -- is among the most important in our world.

A great trust is placed in you, my friend. I know you are worthy of it.

Written By Mydas

Sept. 21, 2018, 12:29 a.m.(8/21/1009 AR)

It is easy for us to focus on one God or Goddess. Disciples typically have little time to spare for more than one, given their duties that await beyond the time they donate to the discipleships. Are Mirrormasks not dedicated to Tehom? Yet it is important for every member of the Faithful, for every disciple, and even more so for every Mirrormask, to pay homage and ever strive to gain greater understanding of the entire Pantheon.

The Thirteenth lies not outside of the other twelve, but linked to every single one, forming the spokes between our world and the divine. Something for my fellow Mirrormasks to consider as they offer advice and counsel to the visitors of the Shrine of the Thirteenth, and in their daily lives beyond its mirrored walls.

And when our own understanding falters? The Godsworn are there, as invaluable resources ever ready to advise the Faithful. Despite my disagreements with many things Grandmaster Preston wrote, that at least is a point we both agree upon.

Written By Calandra

Sept. 20, 2018, 9:47 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

I had an exceptionally lovely time at Princess Valencia's Golden Hart for a fundraiser recently, and was privileged to sing alongside Gianna Whisper. I daresay the world is not ready for that again anytime soon. I'm not sure I am, either!
Lord Aethan Kennex was a most admirable escort to the event, and I believe he's learned the art of the true compliment, for I don't think I've had one quite so unique before. I feel as though he has set a very high bar.

Written By Caspian

Sept. 20, 2018, 9:43 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

If you're going to be sailing on a boat, that's probably a good idea! You're not a true Thraxian until you learn to swim! If you want, I can even teach you.

Written By Alarissa

Sept. 20, 2018, 9:15 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

I really should learn to swim. It's just become shameful at this point that I do not.

Written By Juniper

Sept. 20, 2018, 8:59 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

I'm touched you would participate with my silly questions, your Grace. And with such a thoughtful, soul-baring answer too. It's what I'd hoped to begin and who better to begin the trend than one of our High Lords? I doubt anyone will think less of you for your selfishness. It was admirably framed.

Written By Juniper

Sept. 20, 2018, 8:56 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Berenice

I have no doubt there are many who dream of you, your highness. But for the one who dreamt you first, I don't believe they would want you to be anything other than exactly as you are!

Written By Edain

Sept. 20, 2018, 8:52 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Juniper

In something that is perhaps telling of that fact that I am not always as good of a person as I wish I was, I think if I am being very honest with myself my selfless and selfish wish would be the same. It would that the Tragedy of Sanctum never happened.

Selfless because my older siblings especially where beautiful people that this world was robbed of, and they and my Father would be more wise in leadership than I could ever be. I still often feel like I am just hoping and praying I am making choices that would make them proud.

But it is also a very selfish wish, because to carry on for my family and shoulder the mantle of high lord I had to give up the dreams I once had. Knowing that my desire to see them again, is tainted by a selfish wish is something I grapple with in my more private moments.

Written By Helia

Sept. 20, 2018, 7:53 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

I love life. Life is great. Being alive is the best, and certainly better than the alternative.

(All opinions herein this journal are my own.)

Written By Juniper

Sept. 20, 2018, 7:53 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

I have considered recent writings about Faith, Orthodoxy and the Thirteenth, and it's provided inspiration for my next question. It comes in two parts!

If you were granted a selfless wish and a selfish wish, what would each be?

I think for selflessness, I would wish every child born could have loving and attentive parents who are not taken from them too early. So much of the wrongs I see in the world might be solved (or at least eased!) by having that early sense of love and support which I enjoyed in my youth, and still enjoy to this day. But selfishly, guiltily, I would wish for one person who has the same passion and interest in me that I carry for others in my own heart, someone who is as fascinated by me as I am by them. There. Committed to ink for posterity's sake.

Written By Alis

Sept. 20, 2018, 7:06 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

Well, so much for that cake buying spree I had planned. Sheesh!

Written By Niklas

Sept. 20, 2018, 5:27 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

My challenges record is now 2-1.

Though Bliss Whisper did not defeat Princess Sorrel 'The Bladesong from Blancbier' Thrax, she still put on a fantastic show. Anyone who came to the duel was in luck, as four of the greatest singing talents I have ever known were there. (Though only two put on performances, I'm sure the Nightingale would have been happy to offer autographs for anyone willing to pay.)

As per the requirements of the challenge, I have admitted my crimes against Lady Zoey in a public manner.

Written By Hannah

Sept. 20, 2018, 4:52 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Yessica

I did say I had a lot of sisters, Yessica is almost as adventurous as I it seems. Growing up I suppose I saw glimpses of this but since arriving back in Arx she has truly come into her own in this sense. A skilled bow-woman, something I only just learned, she is also incredibly intelligent, a trait I have long known and seen. Won't stop worrying about her going off into danger, even while I cheer her on finding her wings.

Written By Hannah

Sept. 20, 2018, 4:48 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

A while ago a discussion on siblings was brought up, and being slow to jump on these things I missed that window, better late than never yes? I have a lot of siblings and grew up in a rather less easy manner than some, much easier than others but together we saw each other through it. Reigna kept us going, even at such a young age as 10 she pulled us along and drove us to do what we needed to, even if it wasn't always what we wished for.

I know of few stronger, more caring, or more reliable than my youngest sister. Clearly many others see these aspects to her as well.

Written By Coraline

Sept. 20, 2018, 4:45 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

It never ceases to amaze me how life will turn suddenly and seemingly without cause. One chapter closes, one possibility taunts me while another entices. Which is the correct one? From the questions I have asked, of myself and others, and the way life has gone, I am incline to say whichever my feet set foot upon. One thing I know, Amare will remain by my side throughout, regardless of the direction life takes me.

Written By Hadrian

Sept. 20, 2018, 3:45 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Extremism, no matter the noble cause or nefarious plot, is still extremism. Finding the balance between the points is not only good for the self, but also wonderful for interactions with others. Frequently people use the adage that we should think of ourselves in the shoes of another - that is how one accomplishes that. By not giving way to extremes, it increases the likelihood that one will be able to meet in the middle and find mutually beneficial endeavors to pursue.

If people would like relative peace and quiet for a change? Perhaps we should consider embracing a more balanced approach to life. Too many cakes can cause the need for a new wardrobe as the ass grows larger and larger, because of our actions. The scales become imbalanced and even righteously intended actions can result in detrimental (and empowering) results on account of an extreme being embraced and indulged. This is why one must stand against zealotry if at all possible. Even fanaticism in pursuit of a purportedly or genuinely 'good' cause, can have a negative backlash by strengthening its opposite.

Written By Isabeau

Sept. 20, 2018, 3:40 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Lisebet

I have heard it said that if what you desire is unrivaled Lycene artistry in silk, then you should seek out Mistress Caprice Artiglio.

Written By Lucita

Sept. 20, 2018, 3:07 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia

Hmmm, there is a good Lycene, and then there is a g.o.o.d!!! one. One of these days Luis or Ariella, if she is back in port, or I will manage to get Quenia into some good fun, no guarantees it is good the way she would mean it though. The lord who is courting Quenia now seems to have a sense of humor, perhaps could entice him into helping.

Written By Vanora

Sept. 20, 2018, 2:22 p.m.(8/20/1009 AR)

The only thing I would like to graciously point out to those who are so engaged in the discussion of The Thirteenth and the Mirrormasks, is that though many of those of us called to Him are Lycene by birth, many are not. In fact I believe it a bit condescending to suggest that Prince Mydas Ettoire Velenosa is merely discussing his faith in the whites as an aspect of his 'embracing his return to the Lyceum'. I have worked with Mydas for years among Tehom's discipleship, his devotion, focus, and interest in study dating back long before his true identity was known. To imply otherwise is disingenuous and lacking in respect. I might advise those debating to refrain from considering his motivations for his writings, and rather the text itself. A theological discussion need not be so personal.

In addition, our own Archlector is Oathlands born and bred. Though the Lyceum is more comfortable with the Thirteenth, it is a mistake to assume that all of those who have devoted time to studying his teachings all share the same background. We do not.

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