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Written By Ryhalt

Feb. 4, 2021, 10:17 p.m.(11/17/1014 AR)

Sometimes I think back to those days and am overcome with an insatiable itch to adventure. One that is not designed at every moment for safety. That is not an adventure, that is a scheduled tour. Perhaps there will be a chance this year.

Written By Savio

Feb. 4, 2021, 9:10 p.m.(11/17/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

As suggested by Orland in his recent white journal -- four questions to be considered, copied, and answered in the space of one's own white journal.

1. What is are you afraid of?

What I am afraid of is everything inside of me
That others will uncover it, and despise what they see
Whenever I am praised that fear is instantly induced
That wicked voice inside my head -- 'if they only knew the truth.'

2. What are your opinions on honor?

When I was a child, I could not face my fears
Father said I was a coward, and cuffed me round the ears
He said I had no honor, that an honorable man is strong
I came to understand myself as broken and made wrong

When I was a young man, I took off and sailed away
Left all that behind me and sought the dawn of a new day
I found out that I do have strength, though it's a struggle to face me
Honor is truth to my own self, oddly made though I might be.

3. What path do you see for yourself?

I could never tell you if I'm wrong, or if I'm right
But I know the darkest shadows are cast by the brightest light
There will be both ahead for me, and between, a rift
But I'm lucky to be anchored, and I don't fear the drift.

4. You can give one piece of advice who really needs advice to live by...what do you tell them.

Love will always hurt you, grief is its fondest friend
And everything that's precious will be broken in the end
To know the warmth of sunlight is to know that night falls soon
And it can be hard to bear the burden of that doom

But to fear the hurt and loss is to live just half a life
Without the joy to balance, what's the point of all this strife?
There's no escaping darkness, so find your light, hold fast
Love, and love so fully, and be grateful at the last.

Written By Lisebet

Feb. 4, 2021, 7:14 p.m.(11/17/1014 AR)

We had a good family and friends dinner this month. It was a lot of fun discussion and good food. The topic of a pet for me came up, and it was suggested that perhaps I ought to have a dog. It's a good thought, I suppose. A dog though. They shed, don't they? And drool?

This bears thought, but I'm not convinced.

Written By Zakhar

Feb. 4, 2021, 6:26 p.m.(11/17/1014 AR)

Have you seen a calico cat? She was here, then she dashed off. If you see her, sent a missive. There's a game afoot and its her turn.

Written By Zakhar

Feb. 4, 2021, 6:23 p.m.(11/17/1014 AR)

Questions 'nd Answers, always questions then answers... Oy! Answer it then the question makes more sense. yes?

Lordling Amadeo,

Only afraids that she'll decide that I'm done, before I receives an answer to my questions

Depends upon the honor of who we are speaking of.

Where ever the cats and my feet take me.

Never underestimate those that spin, there's always more hidden under the surface.

Written By Ida

Feb. 4, 2021, 2:32 p.m.(11/16/1014 AR)

I've been debating a trip back home before winter makes it more difficult to do. I only have one project left to complete, which can probably wait long enough for me to visit the hamlet and then return. I haven't seen the kids (not that they're really kids anymore) in what feels like a lifetime, and it's always good to see my parents. There are some bookshelves I want to rummage through and memories I hope to jog, but mostly there's just that nice feeling of being grounded when I go there.

Written By Medeia

Feb. 4, 2021, 2:24 p.m.(11/16/1014 AR)

Lord Orland has questions, and for whatever reason I feel inclined to answer them. Publicly. Yes, Scholar, I know I don't have to do this. And yes, Scholar, I am going to do it anyway.

1. What are you afraid of?
Love. Of loving and not being loved in return, of being loved and not knowing it, of being loved and undeserving of it, of loving someone undeserving of it. Of love betrayed. Of love taken advantage of or wielded like a weapon.
Motherhood. What horrible mistakes am I going to make that will haunt my children forever? How do I keep them safe, while also ensuring they are strong and equipped to face the world? What if something happens and they have to grow up without me?

2. What are your opinions on honor?
Honor isn't unfailing obedience or blind loyalty. It is integrity, consistency, reliability, honesty, generosity, empathy.

What path do you see for yourself?
I've already lived ten years more than I once thought I might. And nearly every plan I once dared to have about my future (like: not coming back to the city, not getting married, not killing some men who were trying to kill me) have all failed spectacularly. The only thing I can say with any certainty is that someday I will die and, barring any horrific circumstances, my soul will return to the Queen of Endings. What happens in between now and then? Maybe conquering those fears and being a person of honor in the process.

4. A piece of advice? I'm not sure people want advice from me. Ironically? Here is what I can offer: Do the things that scare you.

Written By Piccola

Feb. 4, 2021, 2 p.m.(11/16/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

To the esteemed Lord Orland of House Amadeo,

I will attempt to be succinct in the interests of reflection and responding to a peer.

Question: "What is are you afraid of?"
Answer: Feign disorder before destroying your enemy.

Question: "What are your opinions on honor?"
Answer: A wise general seeks victory from the situation and does not demand it of her subordinates.

Question: "What path do you see for yourself?"
Answer: All can see these tactics whereby a wise general seizes victory, but none sees the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

Question: "What advice would you give to one who really needs it?"
Answer: Be subtle to the point of formlessness; be mysterious to the point of soundlessness; and thereby direct your opponent's fate.

We are not the only ones who can read these entries.

-- General Piccola of House Tessere.

Written By Felicia

Feb. 4, 2021, 8:02 a.m.(11/16/1014 AR)

Vellichor knows I don't usually care to share the bulk of my journals openly, scholar, but. I came across a series of questions posed by Lord Orland Amadeo and answered by a few more and thought that, perhaps, there was merit in answering them myself. So. Here goes.

1. What is are you afraid of?

Failing to correct the mistakes of my ancestors. Failing to live up to the precepts of Gloria, the Sentinel and Death in particular. The Abyss. Failure. Yes. Perhaps summed up simply, scholar, as failure.

2. What are your opinions on honor?

It is our word. Our bond. We should always strive to live up to the ideals of Gloria. And where we do not speak with truth and honesty, where we act with deceit, it is a stain upon the threads of our souls.

3. What path do you see for yourself?

The impending war weighs upon my mind. The fourth such major conflict in my lifetime. My duty in regards to it is clear- I will fight to protect Arx and Arvum to the best of my abilities. Survival is never guaranteed in such things, and should I die I will return to the Mother with many fine stories and few regrets. If I survive, however, and I intend to survive, scholar. I will hunt down the pieces of my ancestors legacy and see them cleansed or destroyed bit by bit. Piece by piece until none remain.

My liege willing, my family will be recognized among the peerage at last, and I will begin the long task of trying to cleanse and repair my ancestral lands alongside my siblings. If I die having made these differences? I will count it a good life, and take peace in the confidence that my siblings will continue the work in my absence.

4. You can give one piece of advice who really needs advice to live by...what do you tell them.

We will all die in the end, what matters is how you lived. Live with honor, truth, and all the ferocity you can muster, that when you return to Her you will be remembered, and the threads of your life be worth weaving into a new one.

Written By Jaenelle

Feb. 4, 2021, 7:58 a.m.(11/16/1014 AR)

There is just something about sitting around a table with people who understand. To know at that moment it is fine to smile, to laugh when everything else around us is dark. Thank you.

Written By Quenia

Feb. 3, 2021, 9:40 p.m.(11/15/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

It is only quite by happenstance that I wondered onto Lord Orland's most recent journal entry. I do not know why, maybe because of the things I alluded to in my last post, but it caught my eye. So, I endeavor to answer his questions, since I, too, seem to be restless of late.

1. What are you afraid of?

Failing my brother, Vincere, in his choice to have me become the new leader of House Igniseri after his passing. Failing my family. Failing to protect Granato. Not knowing enough about the world and the dark things that linger within it that might do them harm, and not being prepared enough to handle whatever may come. Of not being able to look ahead and see what might wish to harm us most, and put them out of harm's way. Not being able to shake the shadow that lingers, or those things that take flight within the night. That nightmares may come true.

I could go on, likely, but those are the things that first come to mind.

2. What are your opinions on honor?

I believe a person's word is their bond. If you cannot rely on that, then what can you rely on? Vows and oaths should never be taken lightly. If someone breaks their word, how can you ever trust them, or anything they say again, or say they'll do? There has to be a fundamental trust somewhere, or it all falls apart.

But it's not just about your word. Your deeds and actions matter too. There are some lines that should never be crossed; the examples of which could be numerous.

3. What path do you see for yourself?

There are too many possibilities to count, and probably even more than I could ever possibly dream. I rather like to keep my options open, so as not to bound to one particular path, for one may never know what choices they are faced with, especially during times of uncertainty. But if I had to choose something, I suppose it would be the one that would allow me to give aid to the most people possible, to help better their lives and those of the people around them and lift them up, rather than break them down. To ensure they had the freedom to choose their own fate, lest they be bound to those who might do them disservice or attempt to break them down for their own purpose.

4. You can give one piece of advice who really needs advice to live by...what do you tell them.

Always look forward to the next thing, for if you keep looking back you'll get stuck in your own shadow and be left behind while others move forward around you.

Written By Zakhar

Feb. 3, 2021, 8:55 p.m.(11/15/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Savio

Someone said to praise Savio... I do one better, and have started crafting the instrument that we were talking about. Savio will be the first, and maybe the only performer with the instrument. As some that have come by the shop to see what I've been working on have exclaimed "Why are there bones on it?!"

Time will tell.

Written By Orland

Feb. 3, 2021, 6:30 p.m.(11/15/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Lianne

To be fair, you're the one that brought me clarity on many fronts and I hope that others can speak to people with as much openness as you have.

Written By Sydney

Feb. 3, 2021, 5:30 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)

We all commit our thoughts to the Archives in different ways, but it's still disheartening to see one wield their words as a spoiled child might.

Worse still when you recognize it in your own writings. Shards.

I've a way to walk, yet.

Written By Sunaia

Feb. 3, 2021, 4:01 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)

It's an interesting thing to be a footnote.

Written By Orland

Feb. 3, 2021, 3:06 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)

Thoughts of ... some self reflection, in restless moments,

It struck me that I was asked some personal questions lately. The answers of course, might be interesting to know, if you're bored enough to read this, and bored enough to copy them, reflect upon them, and answer them for yourself, in your own whitejournal. I know how boring the days get, stuck inside, left waiting, wondering, wanting to be an asset to someone, somewhere, that you wouldn't have idle hands on your time. I know how frustrating it can get, not knowing where to turn too next, or what to do. So these three questions, might be enough to keep you occupied, as they did me. I'd like to know, if you do. You should mention me in the content of your whitejournal, as I watch.

1. What is are you afraid of?

The vulnerability of position that answering this question would put me in. How many people would leverage my fear, against me? I would reckon a fair number, considering my place in the world. That is my fear, and you should be open about your own, if you really want to succeed.

2. What are your opinions on honor?

When I think about honor, I immediately think of three pillars: Loyalty, cooperation, and protection.

Loyalty, because honor is established when there is an agreement made and staying to that agreement requires loyalty. In my opinion, you would dishonor yourself if you disrespect that agreement, whether in terms of people or duties or factions. The way I believe honor is given, is most often, with this fundamental pillar of loyalty.

Cooperation, is also in my opinion, a pillar of honor. The entire basis of honor is some understanding that a group of people value the same thing, work together, and share that morale code. In my opinion, you could think yourself honorable, but it is not until you are validated by a group of people, that your choices are thusly so.

Protection, is simply the act of protecting the above pillars. If you make an agreement, for instance with a person, and know that person is in danger, and do nothing to help them, that, is dishonor. Honor requires protecting what you've already outlined of value.

3. What path do you see for yourself?

The path that I see for myself, is not singularly bound. I envision several cross roads, with more than one choice presented at every one. I have opportunity right now, to decide who I am to become; opportunity to meet people who can influence those choices, and more chances to learn anything I've ever wanted to know. My path, is not singular. It is not based on a particular hard outcome, like earning a title, or marrying, or becoming famous for something. My path is fluid, flexible, one that winds, bends, splits off, is unknown even to me. How could we know our path, without knowing all the choices we've yet to make that linger in our futures? My path, perhaps, will be to touch the threads of many other paths which belong to other people, whether for good or bad, those are our choices to make. I could be satisfied, knowing, my own choices, would be like throwing a pebble in a pond, rippling outward to touch the lives of even those I'll never know.

Simply put, I'm open to it all.

4. You can give one piece of advice who really needs advice to live by...what do you tell them.

I think the one piece of advice I'd give, other than the infamous quote I live by, would be:

Flies buzz, without knowing there are birds to chase them. Birds sing, without knowing there's snakes waiting to swallow them. Snakes slither without knowing the spiders spin their webs big enough to catch them all.

Written By Quenia

Feb. 3, 2021, 2:26 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)

Oh Journal.

There are some days that I dream and wonder about what I wouldn't give to have my former life back. To have the freedom to travel and go where I was wont to go, and just bask in the glory of it. Where I'd flirt with potential suitors with nothing but the promise of here and now, and not have to look forward to what comes tomorrow.

There is a heaviness that has fallen upon me that I do not know how to shake, and a darkness that follows after me. I long for the times where there was naught but light and open-heartedness.

Yet, I know I will persevere and I will strive to push forward, in spite of it all.

Perhaps it is an adventure that I crave? A yearning to get away from it all?

Or, perhaps it is fear that drives how I presently feel? I cannot say for certain.

Just that I long to get away from it all, even if just for a short while.

A respite.

Written By Alarissa

Feb. 3, 2021, 1:51 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)

Little Eleyna's birthday comes. In a weeks time she turns four. It makes me smile to think of the water lily, turning four. The twins come swiftly after and five. Siggy wishes a horse. Delia wishes a boat. Astrid, to whom has already had her own natality demands a new axe even after being told that she has already celebrated.

Four years. She breathes a little easier these days and I now believe the Mercies when they said that age would bring with it strength. Age brings with them, strength. We got her a new doll, to replace the reese on that she has dragged about since she could crawl. She wished one with red hair and a white dress. She told the seamstress what she wanted, and a drawing that she did her best to replicate. She has not let it be since the seamstress presented it to her, along with a matching dress for her to wear as well and silken water lillies for her hair to wear on her birthday.

I can't remember ever playing with dolls. I don't remember having a favourite. I remember Barric had a stuffed horse that he would let me ride. The nannies I suppose would know better than I. But they have all aged and perished by now I am sure. Some things lost to the annals of time and age. the reese doll shall have to be put up on the shelf. Seven years it has served our children. Perhaps, it can be cleaned and mended and another child can give it love. Or saved until Astrid is grown and has children of her own. Or Eleyna.

Written By Mabelle

Feb. 3, 2021, 1:38 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)

Honey Havens.

The project of remodeling the orphanages around the Oathlands was meant to be a simple affair: tidy up, refresh the staff, change the names, wipe the mark. Simple. Unfortunately, or should I say, fortunately for the children, I am very bad at keeping quiet about my projects and whoever heard of it offered to help! I was quite overwhelmed by the generousity and willingness of others, especially in such dire times, to work and give those children a better chance.

The list is long and varied, but aside from safety, food and shelter, those children now have a chance to grow up and learn a trade, get proper education, develop hobbies and a vocation upon growing up and mostly, become an active and respectable part of society. I'm sure despite their situation, they will experience many moments of joy and the traveling (suitable for children) Carnival of Master Venturo was just the first in many bright days.

I know its war time, I know there are more important things to care for. Nothing is important than this. Everyday things do not stop because of war. Why not do both?

The children are safe. I am satisfied.

Written By Zyxthylum

Feb. 3, 2021, 12:17 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)

The shop is nearly opened. We even made our first sale already. The Mistress must put her finishing touches on things but soon. Son my family will find new loving homes across Arx. I even found a way to quiet the noises in my head. Just a little liquor or haze seems to help me stay focused. Now if only I could find something to do the same thing to Mortyx. He has been insufferable.

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