Written By Alarissa
Feb. 3, 2021, 1:51 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)
Four years. She breathes a little easier these days and I now believe the Mercies when they said that age would bring with it strength. Age brings with them, strength. We got her a new doll, to replace the reese on that she has dragged about since she could crawl. She wished one with red hair and a white dress. She told the seamstress what she wanted, and a drawing that she did her best to replicate. She has not let it be since the seamstress presented it to her, along with a matching dress for her to wear as well and silken water lillies for her hair to wear on her birthday.
I can't remember ever playing with dolls. I don't remember having a favourite. I remember Barric had a stuffed horse that he would let me ride. The nannies I suppose would know better than I. But they have all aged and perished by now I am sure. Some things lost to the annals of time and age. the reese doll shall have to be put up on the shelf. Seven years it has served our children. Perhaps, it can be cleaned and mended and another child can give it love. Or saved until Astrid is grown and has children of her own. Or Eleyna.
Written By Mabelle
Feb. 3, 2021, 1:38 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)
The project of remodeling the orphanages around the Oathlands was meant to be a simple affair: tidy up, refresh the staff, change the names, wipe the mark. Simple. Unfortunately, or should I say, fortunately for the children, I am very bad at keeping quiet about my projects and whoever heard of it offered to help! I was quite overwhelmed by the generousity and willingness of others, especially in such dire times, to work and give those children a better chance.
The list is long and varied, but aside from safety, food and shelter, those children now have a chance to grow up and learn a trade, get proper education, develop hobbies and a vocation upon growing up and mostly, become an active and respectable part of society. I'm sure despite their situation, they will experience many moments of joy and the traveling (suitable for children) Carnival of Master Venturo was just the first in many bright days.
I know its war time, I know there are more important things to care for. Nothing is important than this. Everyday things do not stop because of war. Why not do both?
The children are safe. I am satisfied.
Written By Zyxthylum
Feb. 3, 2021, 12:17 p.m.(11/14/1014 AR)
Written By Jan
Feb. 3, 2021, 11:34 a.m.(11/14/1014 AR)
Written By Lianne
Feb. 3, 2021, 10:34 a.m.(11/14/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Orland
Written By Thea
Feb. 3, 2021, 9:34 a.m.(11/14/1014 AR)
Written By Thea
Feb. 3, 2021, 9:33 a.m.(11/14/1014 AR)
Lets see. Yesterday I also watched new recruits for Southport’s archery unit. I must say, there was quite a bit of talent there and Lady Kaia will have her work cut out. Some could use some work. But then, that isn’t my area of expertise. From what I could see anyway. I got bombarded by aunt Eirene’s twins. My niece and nephew. Whom I owe a birthday gift too. I miss having them around the manor, so I’ll have to make sure it’s great.
Written By Martino
Feb. 3, 2021, 6:51 a.m.(11/14/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Kaia
The Lord Dreysin commanded over that great fortress within the Samar peninsula, a place of healing and refugee for travellers. Where he stood firm in the face of great danger with his Paladins. Knowing that they could not win, but had to apply determination in giving the commoners time to escape, they stayed.
When we first met, you were the Bisland Minister of Histories and like I said at the time, even if easily distracted, I do listen to those tales. So thank you for this one and for suggesting it. Our son will bring glory to the name.
Written By Martino
Feb. 3, 2021, 6:34 a.m.(11/14/1014 AR)
Birthdays are going to get expensive.
Written By Medeia
Feb. 3, 2021, 2:36 a.m.(11/13/1014 AR)
Thanks to the quick action of the Physicians and Mercies, relief efforts are underway for the holdings affected by the earthquake and storm that ravaged parts of the Mourning Isles and left hundreds upon hundreds dead. Thanks to Lord Orland, Eswynd will have the assistance of Amadeo in scouting the waters and remapping the changed coastlines so that medics and supplies can get to where they need to be (this will also help in the future for any changes that need to be made to trade routes). Eswynd has also provided ships for protection of the ships carrying medics and supplies - an unfortunate reality is that this horrifying disaster will see the desperate become more so. Eswyndol has sustained some damage, though we are uncertain of the full extent at this time. When the time comes, I will add my hands to those doing the work in the field.
In more positive turns of events, I've been happy to assist in recruiting Harlequin Zoey Kennex to the discipleship of the Queen of Endings and Lady Maya Redreef as an apprentice physician to the Physicians Guild. Lady Maya will continue her studies in medicine and apothecary work with me, and I am looking forward to helping her grow in her abilities. She shows considerable promise. (Scholar, Zoey also asked me to be her midwife and, well, of course I said yes. How very exciting!)
Speaking of midwifery... Did I mention Marquessa Norah had her baby? I was pleased to welcome Lady Oksana Eswynd, heir of Marquis Oskar Eswynd, to the family. She's a beauty that takes after her mother.
There was a dance, and some work on the distillery, and planning the wedding celebration for Baroness Lucita and Baron Talwyn Saik (this is still strange to say, though I am happy to know the house is in his capable hands), discussions about projects, a flurry of messengers, meetings, and... When is the last time I ate? I should go eat.
Written By Orland
Feb. 3, 2021, 2:16 a.m.(11/13/1014 AR)
Are you teaching or talking about this subject matter? If so, please read:
As students we would appreciate if you don't use CODE words when we are learning. I have now wasted so much TIME searching for the wrong clues because people were too afraid to talk straight. Lives are at stake here! Please, please, please for the love of all of us new students, TELL US THE BIG WORDS and the SCARY words. It's okay, we can handle it.
If we are putting our lives on the line, in times of War, we're old enough to use big words.
Written By Piccola
Feb. 2, 2021, 8:23 p.m.(11/13/1014 AR)
We hardly need to be reminded that we are living in an age of confusion. Many have traded in beliefs for bitterness, cynicism, or a heavy package of despair. Opinions can be picked up cheap while such commodities as courage and fortitude and faith are in alarmingly short supply.
There too is fear. It provokes us to see the images of heretics in a neighbor’s yard and stampedes us to burn down this house. And there is doubt: doubt of what we have been taught and of the validity of so many things we had long since taken for granted. It has become more difficult than ever to distinguish black from white, good from evil, and right from wrong.
Except for those who think in terms of platitudes of piety or dogma of prejudice, people don’t speak their beliefs easily, or publicly. That is something I won't write: a pat answer for the problems of life. I have never pretended that my words are a spiritual medicine chest where one can come and get a dose of wisdom to banish the headaches of our times.
Like the fog of war, this general's beliefs are always in a state of flux and ever formless, as they should be.
Written By Savio
Feb. 2, 2021, 7:27 p.m.(11/13/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Lore
And of course, an obvious work of fiction and fantasy.
Far away in the Saffron Chain there are places maps can't find
Where the jungle's dense and the heat's intense and you might lose your mind
It's not a place for the faint of heart, and if you choose to go
Then be prepared to be a little bit scared, at what you might come to know
I'll tell you a story about our heroes fair, six of them at the fore:
Lovely clever Mirari, and the brave, well-traveled Lore
Lady Sunaia Ashford and the swordsman, our Lord Ian
Courageous Princess Adrienne, and Prince Aindre of the Grayson
They came to this bitter unknown edge looking for Arvani scouts
Explorers gone without a trace, no word, no whereabouts
The Chain is lovely, lush, and deep, and of its secrets, loathe to share
All those who step beneath the trees would do well to beware
The tangled trees were thick above but the jungle shared a clue
A bare footprint and the Princess asked, "How'd they lose a shoe?"
Lucky if that's all they'd lost, but the wild sets a snare
And the cursed forest asks a price of those who trespass there
Blood on the leaves and the birds in the trees were laughing overhead
Mocking our explorers as they found the bloody, broken, dead
An enemy Skal'dajan scout, so who could shed a tear --
Other than a sense of grave unease that some evil happened here?
Mirari climbed up into a tree, sure-footed, quick and strong
Only to quickly realize that something there was very wrong
'You fools, outsiders, sorry things,' the jungle seemed to say
'I will break you and unmake you, child, and you'll at my roots decay.'
Trapped as can be in a merciless tree, Mirari felt a sudden fall
Aiming to shatter her to pieces like a broken porcelain doll
It would have ended badly then, if not for the stunning speed of Lore!
And in the arms that broke the fall, a friendship there was forged
'Please let us pass, we mean no harm,' the Princess then beseeched
But the trees grew dark with ill intent, vines and thorns outreached
The Prince was trapped in the tangled grasp of a jungle seeking prey
Even after Ian cut him free, they knew it would mean death to stay
Another body bleeding fresh confirmed a forest on attack
And the escaping heroes scarcely stopped to grab its pack
All managed to escape and dodge (and Lore did it in style)
But persistent in their memories -- corruption, something vile.
Our friends were brought to safety as the way ahead made clear
And the contents of the purloined pack made up for all that fear
A bright sun and a cloudless sky soon soothed away the fall
And began to beg the question, did it happen at all?
Far away in the Saffron Chain there are places maps can't find
Where six brave explorers were temporarily entwined
With a darkness and a strangeness that only goes to show
That if you step beneath the trees, no telling what you'll come to know.
Written By Zakhar
Feb. 2, 2021, 6:50 p.m.(11/13/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Caprice
Written By Sunaia
Feb. 2, 2021, 6:03 p.m.(11/12/1014 AR)
Written By Jan
Feb. 2, 2021, 3:53 p.m.(11/12/1014 AR)
Written By Aureth
Feb. 2, 2021, 3:45 p.m.(11/12/1014 AR)
To attribute to the gods the mindless chaos of nature, to assign blame for disasters, this is both heretical and a slippery slope to darker paths: to blame and denial of responsibility.
Do not fall to this temptation. Do not stray from the path into this heretical mire.
We do not blame the gods when things go wrong in our lives. We pray for the strength to persevere despite our tragedies. The virtue and ideal of faith does not spend itself pointlessly to curse the dark. Light a candle. Pray with your neighbor. Pray for the lives lost, the souls returned to the embrace of the Queen of Endings and the turn of the Wheel, and pray for the lives yet found, and the rebuilding that must come in the wake of tragedy.
Written By Zakhar
Feb. 2, 2021, 3 p.m.(11/12/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Savio
I supposed trial and error in the build will tell us.
Now to go find a supply of horse hairs.
Written By Margot
Feb. 2, 2021, 2:34 p.m.(11/12/1014 AR)
Written By Ember
Feb. 2, 2021, 11:37 a.m.(11/12/1014 AR)
With the noble family of House Melaeris presumed to have been lost in this disaster, the legacy that little Lord Darian carries on his shoulders only grows. It is not enough for him to carry on the reputation of his father, or to be among the first born of his generation of Redreef nobles. He carries within him the blood of House Melaeris, already a valuable thing, now outright precious.
There were never thralls in Astarrea. The Marquessa inherited her title without having to win it in a war, as I did mine. I have long looked to Astarrea and seen it as an example of what the Isles could be, if only the traditions that have outlived their time would be finally allowed to rest. Astarrea could have been the template for us all in the Isles to follow. Now, it is a legend that we owe it to those lost to preserve. Nature is capricious and random, but this need not have been in vain.
I will pray for Lady Trueth and for Lord Darian and for those of Astarrea who had the luck to be away from their home or their birthplace. I ask that others join me in doing so.
Marquessa Llewella was a talented artist. In the main hall of the Redreef Estate is a painting that she gifted me. The sculptures by my cousin Lady Sedna are on display in the same hall. Any who come to see those sculptures that have raised so much conversation lately, please also spare a moment to take in the Marquessa's painting, and reflect.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.