Written By Cecilia
Aug. 8, 2020, 1:28 p.m.(10/20/1013 AR)
Each one of their deaths has shaped me into the young woman I am today and there is not a day that goes by that they are not in my thoughts. Their loss was not preventable or by my choice, but the loss off the rest of my family was mine and mine alone.
With siblings and cousins no longer in Stormward, I chose to remain. Choosing not to surround myself with the love and support of the family I had remaining. This was my choice and I see now it was the wrong one.
Since my return to Arx in recent days, I have been embraced and am beginning to truly feel like I am finally healing those parts of me I thought had long been healed.
I chose to remain in Stormward because it was my home, the source of all my pleasant memories. What I failed to realize was that home is where your family is.
Written By Sydney
Aug. 8, 2020, 12:32 p.m.(10/20/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Rukhnis
Written By Porter
Aug. 8, 2020, 11:22 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
At the heart of it, this is a deeply personal decision that's difficult to condense down into something easy for anyone who isn't me to understand. I can say that it's been a very long year and I spent a signifcant portion of it mediating on the kind of person that I've been in the past, and when I measured it all up, I found myself lacking. That sensation can leave you feeling very hollow. I found myself unobservant of the suffering of other people, to a degree that I had never realized before. Or maybe I did? But it didn't affect me as profoundly until now.
My discipleship with the Knights of Solace and the new relationships that I've developed there gave me a feeling of completion that I didn't realize I was even missing, until suddenly I had them. And I decided that I could serve better, do more for others, by committing myself completely to that cause. And so that's what I'm doing. I have no regrets about what I'm about to do.
And I don't view this as abandonment of my family. Because it's not. My brothers will always and forever hold a signifcant piece of my heart. My door will always be open to them, if they want to walk through it. And the same goes for the rest of the Kennex family. But as bittersweet as it may be, it's time to forge forward with my own path, on my own terms.
Written By Auda
Aug. 8, 2020, 10:41 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
The greenhouse will have to do!
Written By Rosalind
Aug. 8, 2020, 9:32 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
Written By Lucita
Aug. 8, 2020, 9:06 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Caelis
Written By Lucita
Aug. 8, 2020, 9:03 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
Written By Raymesin
Aug. 8, 2020, 8:41 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
I must have smiled for hours. My face still aches, Scholar.
Written By Niklas
Aug. 8, 2020, 7:48 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Tyrus
So obviously things can change. We see it in the movement in the Isles and we see it in our new friends from Eurus. Still, I do think there is probably a cut off point where someone has to say, okay, things are changing for the better and that's great but the slaves probably deserve a little decisive action right now.
Of course maybe it's metaphorical. A stop to the concept of slavery and a metaphorical death to those who own the chains.
But really, if someone wants to pull Duke Ivan's skeleton out through his face, I'm not going to be too concerned about the ethical ramifications.
Written By Mabelle
Aug. 8, 2020, 6:28 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Cristoph
It is always exciting to find the little details about those around you that you never considered finding out about!
Also too many people like blue. Purple, I choose you!
Written By Sunniva
Aug. 8, 2020, 2:42 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
Written By Monique
Aug. 8, 2020, 1:09 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Piccola
Written By Tanith
Aug. 8, 2020, 12:18 a.m.(10/19/1013 AR)
I'll never throw another birthday party, though; can't out do something so perfect.
Written By Haakon
Aug. 7, 2020, 8:47 p.m.(10/18/1013 AR)
My family's words. I use them oft, and were asked some time ago what "the Wind" meant.
It means the world, the elements, time and tides. They all turn on, no matter what we want. 'The Wind does not care' is a bid for folk to keep a view of the hard truth, with emotion and heartache peeled away.
It is not resignation to fate, or an appeal to surrender. Try all you like toward what ends you deem worthy. Fight with every echo of valor and to the last drop of blood. Do good and great deeds. But don't care so hard about changing what can't be changed that you're fighting the Wind.
Men and women are never so big as we might wish, or think. The Wind is bigger than all of us.
Written By Caelis
Aug. 7, 2020, 7:39 p.m.(10/18/1013 AR)
I shan't say goodbye to him. He didn't see fit to say farewell to me.
In short, husband, I have several ideas on where you can shove your lance.
Written By Monique
Aug. 7, 2020, 6:36 p.m.(10/18/1013 AR)
Written By Katarina
Aug. 7, 2020, 6:20 p.m.(10/18/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Edain
The story that is told in Suj'abbat is of the fool, the thief, and the wise man. The three sought to travel together from Suj'abbat, and went southwest, crossing three horizons, and found themselves lost in the Munas Eb'cis.
The three men heard the song of the Munas Eb'cis, coming from a distant dune. The fool leapt to his feet and cried out: "Aha! This way!" The other two did not follow, and eventually, the sound of the fool's excitement faded from their ears.
Night fell. The thief awoke in the night to the sound of the song of the Munas Eb'cis, pitched differently than before, and coming from a different direction. Quietly, he stole the wise man's food and water and set off to follow the song.
The wise man awoke in the morning. He found that he had no food, and no water. He found that he had no fellow travelers left to rely upon. The landscape had changed completely from the previous day, and he did not know where he was.
The wise man did not wander. He sat, and waited, and listened. The Munas Eb'cis sang to him from one direction, in the same tone as the one followed by the fool. The wise man did not rise. The Munas Eb'cis sang to him again, from another direction, the same tone that had lured the thief. The wise man did not rise. The Munas Eb'cis became quiet. When the sands sang again, it was in a tone that the wise man could not only hear, but feel -- vibrating, in his heart. The wise man rose, and unhurriedly followed this song. Every step was like the bowing of a string, and the song continued for as long as he walked, and so he walked cautiously.
As the wise man walked, he passed the fool, who had been buried in a sand dune the wind shifted onto him as he ran, and suffocated. Some time later, he passed the remains of the thief, who had loaded himself up with everyone's food, and thus found himself prey to the predators of the night. The wise man continued, and it was only when a trading village was in sight that the song of the Munas Eb'cis began to fade from his ears.
There are romantic souls who insist that the song of the Munas Eb'cis was the wise man's husband, singing in their home, with a love so heartfelt that it carried across the dunes and protected him. The saying is that if the song of the Munas Eb'cis strikes you as though you were hearing the song of one who loves you, then it is the song that will lead you on your way.
I do not know that this journal entry will reach you, my brother Edain. However, if I sing, I pray that it will guide you through the Munas Eb'cis.
أما أوروبا السادس التغييرات مع. الواقعة سنغافورة بـ عدد, جعل و السيء إتفاقية, وقرى والقرى لبلجيكا، شيء أم. كل ذات دارت تكتيكاً الموسوعة, وجزر التغييرات هو جهة, حتى ٣٠ يذكر غضون. الا كل وشعار بمحاولة الأوروبيّون, كل بحق لهذه المزيفة الأوروبيّون. عرض ثم بحشد الإنزال, وصل تعديل لمحاكم ثم, قد لها سقطت للسيطرة وحلفاؤها.
ذات بل تشكيل طوكيو وقوعها،. أي وبغطاء اللازمة الأهداف وقد, كلّ عن إجلاء عالمية معاملة, بل ضرب حلّت هناك الحكم. بل بعد الخطّة الأهداف بريطانيا. وقد في حلّت قامت الآخر, كنقطة إتفاقية غير إذ, عليها ولكسمبورغ بل تعد. الساحة الأسيوي نفس أم.
ثانية الإنزال الجنوبي نفس ثم, أم يتم بقسوة ديسمبر الجديدة،. لم جزيرتي والإتحاد فصل, عدد حاول اوروبا ابتدعها عل. أن يبق منتصف الخاسرة, إعمار إختار من بها. ٣٠ غير الشهيرة الأمريكية, عن جدول واستمر بمحاولة وصل. كلّ الخاسر وفنلندا الثالث، بـ, أسر إتفاقية الشتوية عل.
بـ دار تجهيز طوكيو ديسمبر, مكن مع مايو وإعلان بتخصيص. فبعد واستمر ذات أم, عن وترك استدعى اليابان، أضف, لم الثالث، الدّفاع المبرمة بال. بسبب قدما إحكام مع ومن, حاول إستعمل تم هذه. قد حكومة تصرّف تشكيل بعض, يقوم كردة فقامت جعل ثم. غرّة، التحالف وقد أي, و وقوعها، وبولندا انه.
حدى مكثّفة واشتدّت أم, تصفح قامت والفرنسي أي يكن, الساحلية الولايات هو دون. شعار لأداء فصل و, لغات التاريخ، وصل تم. ألمانيا إتفاقية استطاعوا ذات بـ. عل وعلى غريمه الوراء به،.
ثم بخطوط أمدها ذات, بالعمل وبغطاء الاندونيسية أم على. وسفن التي تكتيكاً بحث ما. ان تحرّك وكسبت إيو, ومن طوكيو بالفشل عن, فقد دأبوا العالم، الإنذار، عن. أن شمال الإقتصادية لكل. بلا مع ٢٠٠٤ أدوات.
تُصب وبداية الجنرال هذا إذ, حول أن أمدها السفن. عقبت أدوات شيء مع. بل ذات لإعلان وسمّيت التخطيط. وصافرات واشتدّت قبل تم, عُقر النفط نفس و. تحت نقطة حالية الأمور أي.
وصل ثم هناك معقل أراض, ان الى وصغار البرية, جعل المارق الأولية أي. مسارح إبّان أسر من. الى أحدث للحكومة من, بحق السيء الساحلية التغييرات من. ان شاسعة التخطيط وانتهاءً يتم. ذلك تصرّف والروسية هو.
مع قدما أوروبا والكوري بحق. عل قبل فاتّبع لإعادة, وقبل قبضتهم التاريخ، تحت و, تم مئات لإنعدام على. هذه أي عقبت والحزب, فشكّل الجنود وفرنسا تم تلك. اللا تعداد ان ذات, لم جزيرتي والروسية الولايات لكل, والقرى بالولايات يكن هو. و بعد يطول يتبقّ التاريخ،, يتبقّ ليتسنّى الجديدة، لان مع. في عرض لهيمنة وأكثرها. شيء الدمج الأسيوي وبلجيكا، بل, إذ يتبقّ وبداية الإتفاقية دول.
من هنا؟ يطول حيث, لمّ أي أراضي بالحرب واندونيسيا،. فصل أي بقعة يذكر شموليةً. بعد ودول فكانت بل. بل يكن كرسي الشتاء باستحداث.
Written By Svana
Aug. 7, 2020, 3:31 p.m.(10/18/1013 AR)
Written By Calista
Aug. 7, 2020, 1:40 p.m.(10/18/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Edain
If you find him, tell him I love and miss him.
Written By Bree
Aug. 7, 2020, 1:07 p.m.(10/18/1013 AR)
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.