Subject |
Poster |
Date |
Arx Stats for Nerds
Apostate |
02/01/24 |
Arx Sandbox and Thank you
Apostate |
02/01/24 |
Apostate |
01/31/24 |
Finale Fight Mechanics
Apostate |
01/31/24 |
Schedule for next couple days
Apostate |
01/29/24 |
Final assault
Apostate |
01/29/24 |
Because Azazel is salty
Apostate |
01/27/24 |
Arx Defense Rules
Apostate |
01/27/24 |
Crossing & Arx Magic Discord
Spirit |
01/26/24 |
Magical Cabals
Apostate |
01/24/24 |
Battle Rules clarifications
Apostate |
01/22/24 |
Threshold Actions
Smile |
01/20/24 |
Re: Attendence Rules
Apostate |
01/19/24 |
Scene Attendance Limitations
Kalakh |
01/19/24 |
Offscreen requests and mil resources
Apostate |
01/15/24 |
Defending regional capitals
Apostate |
01/15/24 |
Extended Battle Rules
Apostate |
01/15/24 |
Reckoning Battle Rules
Apostate |
01/14/24 |
Holding Back the Dark Tide
Apostate |
01/14/24 |
Battle preparation
Apostate |
01/12/24 |
Next couple weeks
Apostate |
01/10/24 |
Crossing The Threshold
Spirit |
12/26/23 |
New Crisis
Apostate |
12/25/23 |
Camp RP
Apostate |
12/16/23 |
Horned God storyarc
Apostate |
12/16/23 |
Crisis actions
Apostate |
12/02/23 |
Saccharin |
11/30/23 |
Legendary skills
Apostate |
11/27/23 |
Rosters with old sheets
Apostate |
11/20/23 |
Episode temp and actions
Apostate |
11/11/23 |
New Episode and Crisis
Apostate |
11/07/23 |
More alt permissiveness
Apostate |
10/16/23 |
Bringing back retired characters
Apostate |
10/15/23 |
Roster requests
Apostate |
10/15/23 |
Arx Metaplot Finale
Apostate |
10/15/23 |
Secret Exits Bug
Apostate |
10/10/23 |
PC Inventory
Herja |
10/09/23 |
PRPs Opening - September 1st
Spirit |
08/26/23 |
PrP Reminder
Herja |
07/16/23 |
Herja |
07/08/23 |
Herja |
04/22/23 |
Pieros Veteren Prop Mod
Kassoa |
03/27/23 |
OC Applications Still Closed
Warwick |
03/12/23 |
Fixed what caused the crash
Apostate |
03/06/23 |
Crawfish |
03/04/23 |
Lost Silver and Items
Herja |
03/02/23 |
More New Staff
Herja |
02/27/23 |
Herja |
02/27/23 |
Herja |
02/26/23 |
Arx Database
Herja |
02/26/23 |
Setting Yourself As GM for Story PRPs
Crawfish |
01/16/23 |
New Staff
Herja |
01/02/23 |
Happy New Year!
Herja |
01/02/23 |
Event 7061
Kalakh |
12/10/22 |
Small Scale Combat Scenes
Herja |
11/12/22 |
Smile |
11/01/22 |
Mourning Isles Actions
Smile |
11/01/22 |
Thank You
Scraps |
10/29/22 |
Updated PRP Everything
Scraps |
10/20/22 |
Upcoming GMed Crisis Scenes
Herja |
10/13/22 |
Mourning Isles Civil War: Phase 2
Scraps |
10/01/22 |
Actions Bug
Scraps |
10/01/22 |
Org Crisis Bug
Scraps |
09/24/22 |
Kennex Battle plus some STUFF
Scraps |
09/13/22 |
Temp Bans and Engagement
Panic |
08/26/22 |
Scraps |
08/19/22 |
Attack on Eswynd Rock
Scraps |
08/16/22 |
Ruins of Artshall
Scraps |
08/13/22 |
A Note about OC Applications
Herja |
08/02/22 |
Siege of House Redreef
Scraps |
07/30/22 |
Battle of Redreef Shores
Scraps |
07/24/22 |
Herja |
07/20/22 |
New Crisis Action Round
Herja |
07/20/22 |
Losing Your Religion
Apostate |
07/15/22 |
Waldo & Navegant
Scraps |
07/14/22 |
Apostate |
07/11/22 |
Staff Changes
Apostate |
07/11/22 |
Player Written Rosters and PrPs
Herja |
07/02/22 |
Herja |
07/02/22 |
Scraps |
06/26/22 |
Troops Losses
Scraps |
06/24/22 |
Be Cool to IC Leaders
Scraps |
06/18/22 |
Temporary Bans
Herja |
06/13/22 |
Temporary Staff Email
Herja |
06/09/22 |
Marriageable Age
Scraps |
06/07/22 |
Roster Courtesy and Alt Conflict Policy
Kalakh |
05/22/22 |
Herja |
05/03/22 |
Gallery Cleanup
Hellfrog |
04/08/22 |
Unflappable propriety mod
Apostate |
04/04/22 |
Monique Greenmarch
Panic |
03/15/22 |
Piano Sweep
Panic |
03/12/22 |
Prop Mod Requests
Panic |
02/11/22 |
Petition bug fix
Apostate |
02/10/22 |
Bastion Military Camp
Scraps |
02/01/22 |
Bastion Military Camp
Scraps |
01/27/22 |
Panic |
01/07/22 |
Royal OCs and Fealty Revamps
Apostate |
01/06/22 |
Crisis deadline extended
Apostate |
12/28/21 |
Respect towards Staff
Apostate |
12/28/21 |
Open Rooms and You
Staff |
12/16/21 |
Alt Policy and RSes
Scraps |
12/12/21 |
Two New Help Files: Crafters
Crawfish |
12/11/21 |
Guards and YOU
Staff |
11/29/21 |
Roster Audit
Apostate |
11/22/21 |
Crisis Action How To
Apostate |
11/21/21 |
Check system update
Tehom |
11/17/21 |
Small modeling tweaks
Apostate |
11/16/21 |
Theme Reminder
Scraps |
11/14/21 |
Crises up
Apostate |
11/13/21 |
Actions and Previous RFR restrictions
Apostate |
11/12/21 |
New Clues
Staff |
11/06/21 |
Actions and RFRs
Apostate |
10/30/21 |
togglepets command
Tehom |
10/30/21 |
We Need Your Help
Herja |
10/27/21 |
Org Clues
Kalakh |
10/25/21 |
Mask QoL change
Apostate |
10/23/21 |
RFR Response Update
Staff |
10/21/21 |
Designer propriety mods
Apostate |
09/27/21 |
Privacy Policy
Herja |
09/26/21 |
Bastion Scouting Scenes PC lists
Herja |
09/23/21 |
Bastion Scouting Sign-ups
Herja |
09/20/21 |
Domain Plots
Staff |
09/17/21 |
Gentle Reminder
Smile |
08/28/21 |
The State of Bastion
Herja |
08/26/21 |
Roster Edits
Smile |
08/16/21 |
Primum Cleansing: Official How-To
Scraps |
08/09/21 |
NPC Retainers Reminder
Manikin |
08/08/21 |
Smile |
08/07/21 |
Assembly of Peers
Apostate |
08/02/21 |
Alt Policy Reminder
Herja |
07/28/21 |
Sudden Staff Story Stuff
Kalakh |
07/26/21 |
A Fable of Songs
Apostate |
07/04/21 |
Alt Rules Change
Apostate |
06/29/21 |
Welcome to New Staff
Apostate |
06/28/21 |
Apostate |
06/27/21 |
Apostate |
06/17/21 |
Closing plots
Apostate |
06/17/21 |
book changes
Tehom |
05/31/21 |
No Contact update
Tehom |
05/07/21 |
Tehom |
04/19/21 |
Skal'daja Crisis resolution
Apostate |
04/14/21 |
No Contact Requests
Apostate |
04/06/21 |
Heal Code, or Why We Can't Have Nice Things (without patching them)
Kalakh |
03/24/21 |
Wound healing
Tehom |
03/13/21 |
Idle rosters
Apostate |
02/26/21 |
Char Gen
Apostate |
02/12/21 |
Read this
Hellfrog |
01/24/21 |
Eurusi Round 1
Apostate |
01/14/21 |
1st round of Eurus Crisis signup
Apostate |
01/07/21 |
healing changes
Tehom |
01/01/21 |
Apostate |
12/30/20 |
Stlist command
Apostate |
12/28/20 |
Apostate |
12/27/20 |
SCs show in orgs
Apostate |
12/24/20 |
Secret Org Story Coordinators
Apostate |
12/22/20 |
Stories, SCs and STs
Apostate |
12/21/20 |
Requests this week and next
Apostate |
12/21/20 |
Ward of the Traveler
Apostate |
12/15/20 |
Story Coordinators
Hellfrog |
12/11/20 |
New harm command
Tehom |
12/06/20 |
Secrets and Plot Threads
Apostate |
11/18/20 |
Apostate |
11/17/20 |
A note to EVERYONE
Hellfrog |
11/16/20 |
Storytellers and GMing
Apostate |
11/16/20 |
Prayer addendum
Hellfrog |
10/31/20 |
Pray command
Apostate |
10/31/20 |
Staff Announcement and Thanks
Apostate |
10/30/20 |
Crawfish |
10/17/20 |
Magic and GMing
Apostate |
10/04/20 |
First pass of new check command
Apostate |
10/04/20 |
Eurusi-Isles crisis
Apostate |
10/01/20 |
Eurus and Thrax crises
Apostate |
09/28/20 |
@check changes
Apostate |
09/14/20 |
New Character Experience
Apostate |
09/14/20 |
Secret or hidden exits
Hellfrog |
09/03/20 |
Addition to 'help prohibited themes'
Hellfrog |
09/03/20 |
GMing Overhaul
Apostate |
09/02/20 |
PRPs and Actions
Apostate |
08/31/20 |
Opening up Characters (Slightly)
Pax |
08/30/20 |
Actions after the freeze
Apostate |
07/25/20 |
Favor and Disfavor
Kalakh |
07/22/20 |
Org commmands for plots
Tehom |
07/19/20 |
Apostate |
06/29/20 |
Crisis loose ends
Apostate |
06/15/20 |
Story Coordinators
Apostate |
06/14/20 |
IC Threats and Prohibited Themes
Apostate |
06/12/20 |
Idle Rostering
Apostate |
06/11/20 |
Work rolls
Apostate |
06/10/20 |
Action results and theories
Apostate |
06/08/20 |
Crises and Actions
Apostate |
06/08/20 |
Action Writing 101
Eidolon |
06/07/20 |
Real Life and Ongoing Stories
Kalakh |
06/01/20 |
Please Do Not Do These Things Patch 1.0
Kalakh |
05/27/20 |
Animal retainers
Apostate |
05/27/20 |
PRP Pitch help file
Fabulist |
05/25/20 |
Apostate |
05/23/20 |
systems channel
Tehom |
05/20/20 |
Trade Command!
Nv |
05/19/20 |
The Please Do Not Do These Things Character Secrets DLC pack
Kalakh |
05/11/20 |
Please Do Not Do These Things Game of the Year edition
Kalakh |
05/11/20 |
Please don't ask people their stats
Tenebry |
05/06/20 |
Market changes
Tehom |
05/02/20 |
Haggle Adjustment
Tehom |
04/25/20 |
Alaric Applications
Herja |
04/08/20 |
Rosters and Volunteers
Apostate |
04/03/20 |
Action Requirements
Tehom |
03/28/20 |
From Arxstaff to You, Yes You
Puffin |
03/25/20 |
Protege tweak
Apostate |
02/29/20 |
Skal'daja Crisis
Apostate |
02/17/20 |
Story Updates
Puffin |
01/27/20 |
Marrying NPCs
Apostate |
01/24/20 |
Database Locks
Apostate |
01/19/20 |
downtime probably tomorrow
Tehom |
01/17/20 |
Evennia upgrade
Tehom |
01/10/20 |
The Coming Year
Apostate |
12/31/19 |
Hello Arx
Fabulist |
12/30/19 |
New prop mods
Apostate |
12/25/19 |
Storyteller system discussion
Tehom |
12/15/19 |
Update on Actions
Puffin |
12/05/19 |
Situational Clarification (Part 2)
Pax |
12/04/19 |
Situational Clarification (Part 1)
Pax |
12/04/19 |
Major upcoming combat change
Apostate |
12/02/19 |
Apostate |
12/02/19 |
Prestige tweaks
Apostate |
11/30/19 |
Apostate |
11/30/19 |
Negative bank account bug
Apostate |
11/25/19 |
Puffin |
11/15/19 |
Opening up OCs
Apostate |
10/07/19 |
Alt conflicts reminder
Apostate |
09/30/19 |
Kennex Retcon
Puffin |
09/26/19 |
State of the GMs
Puffin |
09/09/19 |
Theme Questions
Apostate |
09/04/19 |
Re: Alaric
Apostate |
08/30/19 |
Apostate |
08/27/19 |
Petition Enhancements
Tehom |
08/02/19 |
Actions and Investigations
Apostate |
07/29/19 |
OOC Communications Blocks
Puffin |
07/25/19 |
IC Theft and Vandalism
Apostate |
07/23/19 |
August Plans and Staff Catchup
Apostate |
07/21/19 |
Risk and Consequences
Apostate |
07/17/19 |
Retainer reminders
Apostate |
07/11/19 |
Postgres conversion update
Tehom |
06/29/19 |
Using code to annoy people
Apostate |
06/27/19 |
New AP costs and regen
Tehom |
06/23/19 |
House Sword heirloom compilation
Apostate |
06/22/19 |
White Journals, Proclamations and NPCs
Apostate |
06/16/19 |
Alaric apps
Apostate |
06/16/19 |
Please Learn IC Information ICly
Pax |
06/13/19 |
THEY CALLED ME MAD, THE FOOLS (or: Mad Science and You)
Pax |
06/13/19 |
Haggling guide
Apostate |
06/10/19 |
Cyphers and Journals
Puffin |
06/08/19 |
An Investigation Plea
Pax |
06/03/19 |
Placeholder Clues
Pax |
06/03/19 |
Edain apps
Apostate |
06/01/19 |
Flashback Enhancements
Nv |
05/30/19 |
NPC domains from Great Road
Apostate |
05/28/19 |
Removed modeling maxes
Apostate |
05/27/19 |
Tehom |
05/04/19 |
Puffin |
04/30/19 |
Crisis resolution
Apostate |
04/28/19 |
Reminder re: prohibited themes
Apostate |
04/27/19 |
Grove of Rebirth
Puffin |
04/25/19 |
The Glittering Unicorn
Puffin |
04/24/19 |
Re: Domain changes
Apostate |
04/15/19 |
Domain population changes disabled
Tehom |
04/15/19 |
Ascii art
Apostate |
04/09/19 |
Inviting people to actions
Apostate |
04/02/19 |
Public grid idling and +tidy
Apostate |
04/01/19 |
Prestige Nomination guidelines
Apostate |
03/31/19 |
Database Lock tracebacks
Apostate |
03/23/19 |
Crisis resolutions
Apostate |
03/19/19 |
Placeholder clues
Apostate |
03/18/19 |
Cal Event GMs
Apostate |
02/20/19 |
Mana Stat
Puffin |
02/14/19 |
Neo Noble propriety
Apostate |
02/08/19 |
Authority and YOU
Hellfrog |
01/28/19 |
Eccentric propriety mods
Apostate |
01/20/19 |
Foreign Offers
Pax |
01/18/19 |
Great Road reactions
Apostate |
01/17/19 |
Unfair Consequences
Apostate |
01/14/19 |
Linking subplots to parent plots
Apostate |
01/11/19 |
Emits Done for Great Road
Apostate |
01/10/19 |
The Great Road Crisis
Puffin |
01/10/19 |
The Great Road action
Apostate |
01/08/19 |
Action assists reminder
Apostate |
01/08/19 |
Submitting logs
Hellfrog |
01/06/19 |
favor changes
Tehom |
01/02/19 |
Goal and RFR review clarification
Apostate |
12/31/18 |
Donate and work invest tweaks
Apostate |
12/31/18 |
randomscene addition
Tehom |
12/30/18 |
Welcome Herja to Staff
Apostate |
12/24/18 |
lore command
Tehom |
12/23/18 |
Clock-Tower Rubble
Pax |
12/18/18 |
Prestige Nominations
Pax |
12/18/18 |
Investigating the Weird Green Snow
Pax |
12/16/18 |
Yet More Prestige Tweaks
Pax |
12/16/18 |
More Prestige Tweaks
Pax |
12/16/18 |
Prestige Changes
Pax |
12/15/18 |
broker buy orders
Tehom |
12/07/18 |
Updating Goals
Apostate |
12/05/18 |
Plot Recruiters and Hooks
Apostate |
12/05/18 |
Global xp change
Apostate |
12/04/18 |
New system: Goals
Tehom |
12/01/18 |
Story focus
Apostate |
12/01/18 |
Modeling tweaks and system notes
Apostate |
12/01/18 |
Explaining recent balance tweaks
Apostate |
11/30/18 |
Clue Sharing and RP
Tehom |
11/29/18 |
Roster Overhaul
Apostate |
11/29/18 |
The "No Cheating" policy
Hellfrog |
11/29/18 |
Tehom |
11/29/18 |
Some investigation tweaks
Tehom |
11/29/18 |
investigation changes
Tehom |
11/28/18 |
House Shepherd
Apostate |
11/27/18 |
retainer changes
Tehom |
11/25/18 |
Retainer reminder
Hellfrog |
11/20/18 |
Lodge Crisis Postmortem
Puffin |
11/18/18 |
New Plots And Events
Puffin |
11/16/18 |
Personal plots
Apostate |
11/16/18 |
Exploration and Plots
Apostate |
11/16/18 |
Secrets, Clues, and Plots
Tehom |
11/16/18 |
Does The Dog Die?
Justus |
11/15/18 |
Modeling and Grid RP
Apostate |
11/13/18 |
AP transfers off
Apostate |
11/13/18 |
system tweaks
Tehom |
11/13/18 |
Lodge Crisis Schedule
Puffin |
11/13/18 |
Fashion Changes
Pax |
11/12/18 |
Event Calendar
Pax |
11/11/18 |
New IC Time Command
Pax |
11/10/18 |
Modeling and outfits clarification
Apostate |
11/08/18 |
Fashion and work changes
Tehom |
11/08/18 |
Fashion cooldown and +score
Tehom |
11/08/18 |
Prestige tweaks
Apostate |
11/07/18 |
@Actions on the Web
Pax |
11/04/18 |
Deleting journal
Hellfrog |
11/02/18 |
template command
Tehom |
11/01/18 |
Org favor and chasing propriety
Apostate |
10/29/18 |
Timing on the Lodge
Puffin |
10/29/18 |
Help with the Weather
Pax |
10/27/18 |
Propriety additions
Apostate |
10/27/18 |
Crisis actions timing
Hellfrog |
10/27/18 |
Propriety helpfile
Apostate |
10/25/18 |
Display cases
Apostate |
10/25/18 |
INCEST, oh boy
Hellfrog |
10/25/18 |
Lodge Events and You
Puffin |
10/25/18 |
Take It Slow
Apostate |
10/13/18 |
Incoming social system additions
Apostate |
10/04/18 |
Friendly frog reminder about 'mana batteries'
Hellfrog |
09/21/18 |
Puffin |
09/21/18 |
Sustainability changes on action caps
Apostate |
09/02/18 |
IC Societal Expectations helpfiles
Apostate |
09/02/18 |
On Actions And Caps
Puffin |
08/31/18 |
Favor command and social combat
Apostate |
08/31/18 |
Roster suggestions
Apostate |
08/31/18 |
favor command
Tehom |
08/31/18 |
Lodge Crisis FAQ
Puffin |
08/30/18 |
Upcoming potential systems
Apostate |
08/29/18 |
The Break Is A Lie
Puffin |
08/29/18 |
Outfits Feature
Nv |
08/26/18 |
On Scheduling
Puffin |
08/22/18 |
Clue Lists
Puffin |
08/20/18 |
OOC communication reminder
Apostate |
08/20/18 |
Season 2 Chapter 3
Apostate |
08/18/18 |
Investigations during break
Apostate |
08/10/18 |
Org chat channels and boards
Apostate |
08/05/18 |
Work invest clarifications
Apostate |
08/05/18 |
Work and Donate
Tehom |
08/04/18 |
Lodge Crisis
Puffin |
08/01/18 |
AP change coming
Apostate |
07/30/18 |
Org Sponsorships and helping orgs
Apostate |
07/28/18 |
Praising Orgs
Tehom |
07/28/18 |
Org permissions changed
Apostate |
07/22/18 |
Public petitions
Apostate |
07/22/18 |
How to use petitions
Apostate |
07/22/18 |
petition command
Tehom |
07/22/18 |
August staff break
Apostate |
07/16/18 |
Regarding the Lodge
Puffin |
07/14/18 |
Tehom |
07/12/18 |
On Metaplot Secrets
Puffin |
07/10/18 |
Apostate |
07/10/18 |
Haggle Tag-Teams
Tehom |
07/09/18 |
Apostate |
07/08/18 |
Books and Clues
Apostate |
07/08/18 |
Steelsilk headgear
Puffin |
07/05/18 |
Honorifics and Propriety
Apostate |
07/03/18 |
Just A Heads-Up
Pax |
07/02/18 |
Missing Revelations and You
Pax |
07/01/18 |
Was My Investigation Wrong?
Pax |
06/30/18 |
Inactives reminder
Apostate |
06/24/18 |
Reinvite your proteges
Tehom |
06/19/18 |
A few prestige tweaks
Apostate |
06/18/18 |
Fashion Models Wanted!
Nv |
06/17/18 |
Don't use formating and ascii in requests
Apostate |
06/15/18 |
So about prodigals
Apostate |
06/14/18 |
On Timing of Plots and Hooks
Puffin |
06/10/18 |
Investigations and Actions
Pax |
06/09/18 |
Charitable actions
Apostate |
06/09/18 |
Investigations vs Actions
Apostate |
06/09/18 |
Apostate |
05/27/18 |
Combat Refactor Release Notes
Nv |
05/26/18 |
Thoughtpose reminder
Apostate |
05/25/18 |
Prestige from Lifestyle
Apostate |
05/23/18 |
Puffin |
05/23/18 |